We have arrived at the last Sunday of our church’s year for 2017. It is the feast of Christ the King. This special feast was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925. It symbolises that, although kings and queens are being replaced by republics around the world, one great king remains. He is Christ the King. Christ remains as the unique King because, unlike all of the earthly kings and queens, Christ’s only law is that we should love one another. Next Sunday we begin the season of Advent. Our preparation for Christmas 2017 will begin.

May I take this opportunity, as our Church’s year closes to say “thank you”. On everyone’s behalf, to our wonderful parish Ministries, who are doing so much to enhance our life as a Parish. “Thank you” to our Liturgy, Social Justice, Faith Education, Youth Ministry, Pastoral Care, Finance and Social Ministries who are doing so much on our behalf.

Rev Fr Tom Stevens