The new rosters for 2019-2020 are in the Narthex for collection. There is also an invitation to all current readers from Mons John to a meeting on 26th March at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. If anyone would like to become a reader please feel free to ... read more

Would you like to join this Ministry? The roster is being compiled at the moment so if you would like to join this ministry please leave your name and contact details with Mons John or contact the office.

Thank you to all for joining this Ministry. A new roster for the Lectors (Readers) at our Sunday Masses is now available. The rosters for the Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses HAVE NOT CHANGED. Only the roster for the Sunday evening Masses has ch... read more

      The new roster is due out shortly, if your circumstances have changed and you wish to change the mass that you attend or you need to come off the roster then could you please notify the parish office as soon as possible at parish@stpa... read more