At our Masses this week-end, on this 3rd Sunday of Advent, we are invited to be full of joy. The special colour today is ROSE – The colour of joy.

Today’s Gospel Story is taken from the 3rd Chapter of St Luke’s Gospel. It records the joyful words of John the Baptist as he describes what God has actually done for us all by sending Jesus into our world.
Everything John the Baptist says in today’s Gospel was ultimately demonstrated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Nevertheless, it is up to us, who know that he was God who became a human being, to proclaim what Jesus ultimately revealed.

Jesus revealed that God is not a God of vengeance, vindictiveness or retribution. God is about love, peace, mercy and justice. Hence, we believers must mirror in our own lives the reality of God. It is a reality that our contemporary world does not embrace
What we are invited to do is be like God. It is a joyful way to live. It involves sharing what you might have with those who have nothing. It is an invitation to never cheat or exploit a fellow human being.

It is about being honest and just and to never bully anyone who we perceive to be weaker than ourselves.

If we want this Christmas to be the best Christmas ever, all we have to do is to take this message to heart and enjoy this Christmas.