St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal – 25-26 May

Winter is almost here! As we turn on our heaters and electric blankets, we ask you to take a moment to consider those who are struggling with essentials at this time of year.

The theme of this year’s Winter Appeal is ‘Working Homeless’, focusing on the emerging trend of people who are
experiencing housing hardship and disadvantage despite being in employment. These are people who hold jobs that
should offer stability, yet are sleeping in cars, tents or relying on the goodwill of others.

Donations via envelopes, bucket collections, smart terminals or using this QR code.

All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible and 100% of the money collected will go towards assisting those in need.

St Patrick’s is well known for its generosity, and we thank you in advance for supporting those in significant need this

Melanie Carli